
Events in Zamárdi

If you have not decided yet, where will the next summer, take a look at Zamárdi programs. And if you get tired at an event, you can relax in our apartments, but do not forget to make reservations in advance!

Events in Zamárdi:

Continuous events

Horse folklore programs

Kocsi Csárda
July-AugustMusical street partymusic pavilon in Báckai street
July-AugustAnimation, playgroundbeaches
June - AugustSaturday evening concertsCatholic parish
Periodic programs
Events in June  
 Pentecost season openerJegenye square
 Midsummer Night time travelZamárdi monuments and sites
 "Lurkók vitorlára!" (Kids sail)Zamárdi Friends
 St. Christopher Bowman Cup archery daysSzent Kristóf winery
 Filmzene (Soundtrack) festKossuth street.
Events in July  
 Street music and Gastr FestBeach in Kossuth street end
 Balaton Sound festbeach
 Zamárdi walks - tour 
 Zamárdi family weekendend in Kossuth str.
 StreetfestKossuth u.-Kiss Ernő u.
 II. Rosé festBeach in Kossuth street end
Events in August  
 "Balatoni játszadalom"beach in Kossuth str. end
 Wine and champagne festbeach in Kossuth str. end
 Strand (Nagyon zene fest) festbeach
 Szent István's Day commemorationMosic pavilion, Bácskai street end
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